Church Vision

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28:19


Our Vision Statement

Our Goals are:

To develop disciples of Jesus Christ by...
As a Church family...
  • engaging in relevant and life-changing worship for all ages
  • developing our prayer life as an integral part of all our activities
  • sharing in honest, caring and inclusive relationships
As an individual...
  • encouraging personal growth in our relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit
  • providing a spiritual environment in which individuals are encouraged to recognise and develop their God given gifts and talents
  • encouraging individuals to witness to their faith in Christ
  • supporting individuals in their work and family life, through Pastoral Care
To engage actively in mission to make Christ known by...
Demonstrating His love in...
  • offering a range of activities to meet varying needs in the local community
  • being a positive influence in the local community
  • working together with other Christian Churches in united witness and service to the borough
  • welcoming and integrating new people into the Church family, irrespective of background or ability
Proclaiming His truth in...
  • providing regular opportunities for those who do not know Christ's teachings to engage with the gospel
  • supporting Christian Mission to build God's Kingdom on earth
  • campaigning for justice and ethical standards consistent with a Christian perspective